Today marks exactly one month since we lost Shain. Now I don't know if anyone is actually reading this or not, but I wanted to put my story down.
We had been talking about having a child for years but were not quite sure how we would go about it. We are financially ok but there was no way we could afford the thousands of dollars for sperm and doctors when my health benefits covered none of it. So we waited, waited to find the perfect known donor. So we could try at home for awhile and if that didn't work then we would save up to do it at a doctors office. Well in January we found him. He is a friend of the family and when we finally got up the nerve to ask him, he told us yes after about 2 weeks. Which was good, means he really thought about it.
After I got my period in February, I started tracking my ovulation. Now I had been taking my temp. for 2 months already but I starts using OPKs now. I did that for 3 months (March-May)and then in June we got serious. June gave us some problem though. Now my period is usually near the end of the month and then I ovulate somewhere near the 10th-15th of the month. That would have put me ovulating around July 12. The problem with that is we had paid for a trip to Disney a year before for August. But we decided to go ahead and try, figuring it would not take on the first try. Imagine our surprise when on July 21 we got a positive. We were so excited!
We went ahead and went on our trip and had a blast. I was really careful and watched what I went on. (I did alot of shopping lol) We get back and I am now 8 weeks along. The day after I started spotting, not alot but enough to worry me. And it was bright red. So here I am now going to the doctors every 2 weeks and having ultrasounds also done about every 3 weeks. They can't find a source for the bleeding but the baby is doing good. Growing just like he should. As time goes on I start to bleed a bit more, it was never more then spotting, but it went from once a day maybe 3-4 days apart to 3-4 times a day everyday. I'm on light duty then on bed rest and still I'm bleeding.
I went to the doctors on Oct. 3rd and they determined that the bleeding was coming from some polyps I had near my cervix. It was decided to take them out. I had them removed on Oct. 8th. And I was doing ok. Then on Oct. 14th, I started to have some pain. It felt like I had a bladder infection and I felt like I ad to go to the bathroom really bad. By 7 pm I was in alot of pain and TP rushed me to the ER. No sooner do they get me in a room, my water breaks. And I have no more pain. I start bawling I had hope before but now that's gone. There is no way for the baby to survive with no fluid. They take me for an ultrasound and we see him, there is no movement because there is nothing for him to move in. Then the tech tells me that his heart is beating at 158 bpm. I wish I did not know that because now I know that he is alive and he is suffering.
I am moved to a room in the Labor and Delivery wing. I make the nurse remove the thing that the baby goes onto. And then we wait. We are told that since he still has a heartbeat they are going to wait till the morning to do anything. If at that time he still has a heartbeat we then have some decisions to make. TP and I talk about what we are going to do in the morning. I am having no pain at this time and the night goes by slowly. At 6:30 am I use the bathroom and I realize that I am now delivering him. I call the nurse and I'm right, he is coming. The doctor comes in and I am told to push. I pushed all of 3 times and there he is. Our precious little baby boy at 16 weeks and 3 days. I am given medicine to get the placenta out and the nurses take him to clean him up a bit and take pictures of him for me.
The meds worked and I do not have to have a D&C. The nurses brought him back to us and we held him all day. I am glad that we did. It helped us to say goodbye and give us some closure. We had our minister come and bless him and then we had a funeral home come and take him to have him cremated. We had a small memorial on Oct. 25th and it was beautiful. We miss him so much and are still grieving but its getting better day by day.